Table Configuration

Check Table Configuration

table_config = hc.get_table_config("table_name", "database_name")


This method will return a Dictionary containing the configuration of the specified table. If the error pops up when obtaining information or the configuration of specified table is not found, “ValueError” exception will be raised.

Parameter description:

table_name (str)Table to list shards, if set to None, all shards of all tables will be listedYes
database_name (str)Database where the table is createdNo, defaults to "default" database
Table 66 Check Table Configuration (Python API)

Update Table Configuration

table_updated = hc.update_table_config("table_name", data_center = "shanghai", embedding_segment_seal_proportion = 0.3, database_name = "database_name")


This method will a Boolean value to represent whether this operation is successful. If the error pops up when updating configuration, “ValueError” exception will be raised.

Parameter description:

table_name (str)Table to list shards, if set to None, all shards of all tables will be listedYes
database_name (str)Database where the table is createdNo, defaults to "default" database

Table 67 Update Table Configuration (Python API)