Open / Close Table

Open Table

result = self._hc.table_open(pattern = '*', database_name = self._database_name)  


This method will a Boolean value to represent whether this operation is successful. If the error pops up when opening tables, “ValueError” exception will be raised.

Parameter description:

pattern (str)Pattern specified when openingthe tableYes
database_name (str)Database where target table is locatedYes, defaults to "default" database

Table 94 Open Table (Python API)

Close Table

result = self._hc.table_close(pattern = '*', database_name = self._database_name)  


This method will a Boolean value to represent whether this operation is successful. If the error pops up when deleting partitions, “ValueError” exception will be raised.

Parameter description:

partition_names (list)Pattern specified when closing the tableYes
database_name (str)Database where target table is locatedYes, defaults to "default" database

Table 95 Close Table (Python API)