Create Replication Service

Replication service will replicate data related to backend storage service. Currently Hippo supports 33 / HDFS / Local (replicate data to on-premise side, only available for Local mode) modes.

curl -u shiva:shiva -XPUT 'localhost:8902/hippo/v1/_backup/create_service?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{  
  "type" : "local",  
  "name" : "test_local_service",  
  "params" : {  
    "end_point" : "/nn1", // required for s3 and hdfs  
    "username" : "melon", // required for s3 and hdfs  
    "password" : "warp", // required for s3 and hdfs  
    "local_path" : "/tmp/test_backup"  

Parameter description:

typeReplication service typeYes, S3 / HDFS / Local
nameReplication service nameYes, unique name for cluster
end_point (params)Replication service connection stringRequired for S3 and HDFS
username (params)Username used to connect to replication serviceRequired for S3 and HDFS
password (params)Password used to connect to replication serviceRequired for S3 and HDFS
local_pathLocal pathRequired for Local mode

Table 70 Create Replication Service (Restful API)