Check Sync Status

Users can check sync status of each data split in each relationship. The result shown below displays that the sequence number of the latest committed log for source table is 1 (committed_log_sequence) and the sequence number of replicated log is 1 (replicated_log_sequence).

curl -u shiva:shiva -XGET 'localhost:8902/hippo/v1/_ccr/get_stats/{pattern}?pretty'


  "book_ccr" : {
    "status" : "ACTIVE",
    "remote_cluster_name" : "cluster1",
    "remote_cluster_id" : "56591fa5347a4b7c88bbc0032a379bf0",
    "source_table" : {
      "database_name" : "default",
      "table_name" : "book_backup"
    "dest_table" : {
      "database_name" : "default",
      "table_name" : "book_backup"
    "stats" : {
      "shards" : [
          "id" : 0,
          "progress" : {
            "latest_log_sequence" : 1,
            "committed_log_sequence" : 1,
            "replicated_log_sequence" : 1

Parameter description:

patternRelationship nameYes, supports using asterisk (*) wildcard character
Table 51 Check Sync Status (Restful API)