
Projects are logical containers within an user that group clusters and other associated resources.

In a project, you can create several clusters and manage clusters.

Create Project

The system has created a project named 'Default project' for you, and you can create up to 2 additional projects.

  1. Select 'View All' to enter the project list.

  2. Click '+ Project'.

  3. Fill in the project name and description.

  4. Click 'OK'.

Delete Project

You can delete unnecessary projects. Before deleting a project, please make sure that the clusters under the project have been deleted.

  1. On the project list page, click 'Delete'.

  2. Before deleting a project, you need to confirm the operation. Click 'Yes' to complete the deletion of the project.


Kindly note

  1. The default project created by the system cannot be deleted.
  2. You need to make sure that the cluster under the project has been deleted before deleting the project.