Installation Preparation

Operating System Installation

Before installing TDH, all nodes in the cluster must satisfy the requirements listed in Environment Requirements and Pre-installation Inspection.

There are two ways to install operating system on cluster servers: separate installation and PXE installation.

Separate installation means using installation disc of Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Servers, CentOS, or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to install operating system on each server separately.


Kindly note

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Servers and CentOS operating systems, users need to open the/etc/sudoers configuration file with visudo command:

# visudo

Comment out “Defaults requiretty” in the file. If users are installing products as a non-root user, the user must have sudo privilege. Therefore, the administrator must add sudo users to /etc/sudoers file. The method is the content of the last line in the following section of the file:

## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on
## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple
## systems).
## Syntax:
##      user    MACHINE=COMMANDS
## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
[sudo user]       ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

For example, if sudo permission is added to the user admin, the content added at the end of the file is:


Changes in System Configuration before Installation

If users have DNS, then users can skip straight to the next section. If users do not have DNS, before installing, open the /etc/hosts file under each node that contains Manager and ensure that it contains a list of the mapping relationships between hostname and IP address for all nodes, for example: tw-manager tw-node2125 tw-node2126

Users can check the node hostname by logging into the node and using the hostname command to ensure that the node name matches the name set in /etc/hosts above. Please note that node names for clusters cannot be duplicated and must conform to the DNS-1123 specification. It consists of numbers, lowercase letters or "-" and cannot include capital letters, with a length less than 63.

Users can use the hostnamectl set-hostname hostname command to modify the hostname. Refer to the following example:

[root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname tw-node2125
[root@localhost ~]# hostname


Kindly note

Please note that the first line of the /etc/hosts file must be a record of, this line cannot be commented out and the current hostname cannot be written in this line. Usually as follows:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4

Installation Media

If users have an installation CD, users can insert the installation CD into the server CD/DVD ROM and run it directly. As the installation process will use the OS installation media, it is recommended that users copy the ISO file of the OS to the management server in advance.

If the customer service representative or technical support provides a zip file, please import the zip file into the server. In order to better support the different product lines, Manager has been installed independently since version 6.0. Users need to install Manager first and then upload the product package to install the corresponding product.